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Originally developed for the Olympics, plyometric is known as jump training. It is designed to increase muscular power and explosiveness. It has become a popular workout routine for people of all ages.

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10y ago
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10y ago

A plyometric exercise is one that is based on having the muscle group exert maximum force in a very short time frame. Plyometrics often involve a lot of jumping, usually over obstacles.

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9y ago

A training technique known as jump training, or plyometric exercises, are designed to increase muscle power and explosiveness. Plyometric training was originally created for Olympic athletes.

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12y ago

Plyometrics is a workout that is designed for intensity. You will burn lots of fat doing Plyometrics because you're constantly moving your body very fast.

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Are there any really good plyometrics workout videos available?

Yes, there are several companies that have released great plyometrics workout videos. You can even find some great plyometrics workout videos on Youtube.

How great is a plyometrics workout?

Plyometrics workouts focus on the lower body and work towards speed and strength improvements. This workout added to your regular workout will add a new dimension to your training.

Why would one recommend a plyometrics workout?

One would recommend a plyometrics workout if you were training for a sport and trying to increase your joint flexibility and strength. Plyometrics causes your muscles to contract faster helping increase elasticity and strength.

What is the workout for the best muscle body ever without steroids?

Russian kettlebells, calisthenics, plyometrics, and combination.

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Will the p90x workout increase your vertical?

well that's kind of obvious, with the workouts like plyometrics you are bound to increase your lower body strength which would help your vertical out alot!

Which sports plyometrics is related too?

Plyometrics applies to any sport that wishes to add speed and power to a movement.

Does plyometrics improve your long jump?


Is plyometrics good for playing football?


Can plyometrics help a person maintain cardiorespiratory fitness?

Yes, plyometrics can help a person maintain cardiorespiratory fitness. Plyometrics is a form of jump training. It consists of exercises that exert a lot of force in a short period of time. It looks to increase speed and power, thus, why it would be a good form of cardiorespiratory fitness.

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