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"Toning" is building muscle. The processes are one and the same. Generally though, when people say they want to have "toned" arms they mean they want their arms to have a firm, muscular appearance without really increasing their diameter. Simply chosing a less intense, less frequent lifting plan while reducing body fat through regular cardiovascular exercise and a sensible diet is all that's needed to achieve a "toned" appearance.

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Q: What is a good arm exercise I do not want to build muscle i only want to tone my arm?
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The only way to build muscle is with exercise. That being the case, since exercise requires calories, building muscle will also burn off fat.

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as you exercise you heart muscle builds up therefore your heart doesn't have to do as much work to pump blood around the body so as you build up your heart muscle. therefore as you exercise your heart becomes stronger so your recovery rate is quicker.

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NO, water exercise is not only for elderly people. many middle age people choose water exercise along with new mothers and their children, it can be good exercise and helps muscle development.

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It only provides increased amounts of the nutrients necessary for muscle growth. If you do not exercise, no. You will only get fatter.

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What is better to lose body fat or build muscle in females?

That depends on what your after. If you just want to look lean then just losing body fat is fine, and can be done through a good diet. If your are looking to be fit and healthy, or to gain energy levels, then a good diet doesn't quite cut it. There are many lean people who are internally unhealthy. This can only be remedied through both good diet AND exercise. Exercise will help to buid and tone muscles.

Do jumping jacks use your abs?

Yes actually anything you do helps you build muscles. (almost) Jumping jacks works more for your heart than for building muscle. They are great for a pre-workout warm-up and help build some muscle in otherwise sedentary individuals. If you are looking for an exercise to build leg muscle you should try squats. They are fairly easy and do not require weights.

Is your metabolism messed up if you used to be anorexic and you're now eating around 1400 calories a day and can't stop gaining weight?

If you were anorexic, you probably lost a lot of muscle mass. It will take you a while to build back muscle and muscle is where you burn calories. Try building muscle mass. Eat plenty of calories and specifically 60 to 80 protein grams or more and exercise to build back muscle mass. You really need to get healthy again and you'll only do that by building muscle.

If you want to lose weight and build muscle by working out before increasing calories will it work on only 800-1000 calories?

not really, you will just lose fat- trust me i tried it and am now pretty scrawny for the exercise i do. I have started eating more however and begun to put muscle on.

How does regular exercise strengthen your heart muscle?

Regular exercise strengthens your heart muscle by increasing its efficiency, allowing it to pump blood more effectively with each beat. It also improves circulation, which reduces strain on the heart. Additionally, exercise can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, further promoting heart health.

Do you need to run after weight lifting to gain muscle?

no... running is cardio and if you only want to build muscle cardio is not needed at all.