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Q: What is a benefit of good cardio respiratory endurance?
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What is a benefit of good cardio respitory endurance?

Larger arteries that are better able to carry blood throughout the body .

Why is Cardio-respiratory Endurance needed for swimming?

Cardio-respiratory endurance is important for swimming because it helps improve your heart and lung function, allowing for more efficient oxygen delivery to the muscles. This is crucial for sustaining energy levels during long swim sessions and increasing overall endurance in the water. Good cardio-respiratory endurance also aids in recovery post-swim by enhancing the body's ability to process and remove waste products like lactic acid.

Which of the following is a benefit of good carido-respiratory endurance?

For questions which contain "the following" you have to include "the following".

Is Anaerobic exercise and cardio exercise the same thing?

Yes they are both a good way to loose weight quickly and are both good for muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance.

Which of the following is not a good cardio-respiratory workout option?

Doing yoga stretches.

What is a good cardio-respiratory workout?

Cardio respiratory exercise means involving mainly ur breathing partern and lessen the effort to breath easily.. The best n the simple most cardio respiratory exercise for me has been jogging at a normal pace.. Includes mostly all your muscles and above all ones respiratory system.

A good example of a stress reliever is?

A stretching routine A cardio vascular activity Exercising to build muscular strength and endurance

What are benefits of muscular endurance and muscular strength?

because if you do not have it you are a wimp, #$*@! =3)

Can you tell me about exercises for vertigo?

Some good exercises for it is to have do a lot of cardio exercises and endurance runs. Another type of exercise are mental exercises such as meditation.

Is a treadmill just for losing weight?

No. It's also for endurance, toning one's muscles, and cardio (heart) health. It also may provide a good feeling (endorphins).

Is swimming laps a cardio-respiratory workout option?

Yes swimming laps is an option for a cardio workout. It has many benefits since not only will it get your heart rate up it is also a very good muscle workout aswell.

How does jump roping help athletes?

Its a good cardiovascular workout. it also strengthens the leg muscles and i believe it helps increase stamina and balance.