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I don't know the average, but I am 26, and workout 4 times a week doing lots of cardio (an hour or more). I have 24% fat and 38% muscle. I think the average woman is 25-30% muscle.

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What is the body weight of a 29 year old female

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Q: What is Average muscle percentage for 29year old female?
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What is the average female 40 year old muscle mass?

Muscle mass is important in maintaining a healthy body. Depending on age and physical activity level, the average muscle mass percentage lies between 38% and 54% for men and between 28% and 39% for women.

What percentage of human body weight is voluntary muscle?

An average adult male is made up of 42% voluntary muscle, an average adult female is made up of 36% voluntary muscle (in terms of total body mass).

How much female human body is made up of water?

The average adult female body is composed of about 55-60% water. The exact percentage can vary depending on factors such as age, muscle mass, and overall health.

What is a healthy muscle percentage?

A healthy muscle mass percentage is 28 percent, which is the average. Some may have 36 percent or more, and that is fine too. The more muscle mass you have, the higher the number will be.

Is 61 percent muscle mass high for a female?

Yes, men average 42% while women average about 36%

You are 5ft 7in and you weight 178 is that average or obesst?

Depending if you are a male or a female. Depending if you have a small, medium, or large frame. If you want to know if you average, or obesse, ask your doctor to take your BMI. which is the fat percentage of your body. If your muscular, the muscle will way more then fat.

How much protein need to muscle build?

For the average sized female approximately 60 grams of protein per day is needed to maintain muscle - over that - in combination with strength training will increase muscle mass. For the average sized male, approximately 80 grams of protein per day is needed to maintain muscle.

What is the average weight of a 5' 4 female?

A healthy weight range for a female 5'4" ranges from 110-145 lbs depending on one's bone & muscle build. The average American woman of this height is 140 lbs.

What is the average weight for a female who's 5'0?

97-127 but that isn't taking in to account your body composition or muscle mass. If you have more muscle or are bigger boned, you might weigh more.

What percentage of the body is muscle?

There are 3 types of body muscle. I suppose you mean skeletal muscle (then ones you can actively move and see). According to Wikipedia, 42% of the body mass of an average adult male consists of skeletal muscle. For an average adult female it is 36%.

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How can you have a borderline underweight BMI but an above average body fat percentage?

Easy. It's known as skinny fat. Caused by having very little muscle mass. Muscle weighs more than fat so the bmi would be much higher if there more more muscle. More common in women, who tend to have higher percentage body fat and lower muscle mass than men naturally.