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your body breaks down and you lose all energy, if not enough magnesium is taken in you could possibly die.

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Q: What happens if you don't get enough magnesium?
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What happens if you don't get magnesium?

your body breaks down and you lose all energy, if not enough magnesium is taken in you could possibly die.

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When you put magnesium chloride (MgCl2) in water, it dissociates into magnesium ions (Mg2+) and chloride ions (Cl-). This process releases energy in the form of heat, as it is an exothermic reaction. The resulting solution of magnesium chloride in water can conduct electricity due to the presence of free ions.

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your blood cells will be weak and you will be sick.

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they begin to die, for example if you dont get enough air what will happen to you?

What elements does the compound MgCl magnesium chloride contain?

Magnesium chloride contains magnesium and chlorine elements.

What happens when you burn magnesium meatal?

magnesium oxide is formed

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you become to skinny but DONT die and but get sick