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Q: What factors would give a person a higher metabolic rate?
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Who has the the highest metabolic rate?

Basal metabolic rate is determined by 4 factors: Height, weight, age and gender. It is also dependent on the physical fitness and muscle content of the person. Tall males with a high muscle content and excellent physical fitness would have the highest metabolic rates.

When is resting metabolic rate higher than resting metabolic rate?

wait that would be the same question just asked twice. the answer would be never because it is resting

What is the BMR of a person weighing 75kg?

The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) of a person weighing 75kg would be around 1675-1800 calories per day. BMR is influenced by various factors like age, gender, and body composition, in addition to weight.

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The person who would be higher is the Pope.

What would cause metabolic alkalosis to slide into metabolic acidosis?

respiratory alkalosis would cause metabolic acidosis

Does the time of day effects how fast you can run?

First off I would like to say that I am not an expert, but I have been doing a lot of reading on this subject lately. I don't believe the time of day has a direct effect on how fast you can run, but there are some factors to consider that could possibly have a direct effect on your bodily functions and indirectly affect how fast you run. The main thing to consider is your metabolism (how fast your body turns food into energy). If your metabolism is at max speed, you will have more energy to run & have a higher endurance while running at a high speed. Your metabolic rate is generally higher earlier in the day (this is not true for every one, are you a morning person or a night person?). So if you were to be running in the morning, you would theoretically run faster. Another thing which could be an answer to your question, is the weight of your body. It is clear that having more weight will slow you down. So would a person that eats all day be slowed down at night? The factors that could make this theory differ from person to person are: how much someone eats, what they eat, when they eat, their metabolic rate, and when they go to the bathroom.

What has the least effect on a person's metabolism?

Water has the least effect on a person's metabolism as it does not contain any calories or nutrients that would have an impact on metabolic rate.

Is inorganic salts metabolic waste?

no, it would have to be organic to be a metabolic waste

What endocrine gland would malfunction if a person has a high metabolic rate?

The thyroid gland would likely be malfunctioning if a person has a high metabolic rate. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, so an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can result in symptoms of increased metabolism such as weight loss, rapid heartbeat, and sweating.

Discuss how each what factors would affect the results of electrophoresis?

A person will not be able to discuss how the following factors would affect the results of electrophoresis unless they know what the following factors are. This information needs to be included for a person to know the correct answer.

Do you have a higher metabolic rate in winter or summer?

Summer. Because it's hot, your body would sweat.... causingyou to lose .05 calories.... and you wanna live

How much oxygen does stearothermophilus need?

Stearothermophilus is a thermophilic bacterium that requires oxygen for its metabolic processes. The exact amount of oxygen it needs can vary depending on factors such as growth conditions and environment. Generally, stearothermophilus would require a sufficient supply of oxygen to support its metabolic activity.