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Its nothing to worry about, you have just over exerted yourself, maybe try and drink more water during the day.

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Q: What does it mean to see white spots after running?
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White spots on body?

If you have white spots on your body, maybe you should see a doctor.

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you know if your brother has lice if you see white spots in his hair or if you see him scratching his hair. :)

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Light reflection

How do you treet fish with white spots on it?

If the fish is a Goldfish you check to see if the spots are only on the fishes gills and pectoral fins. If so the white spots are indicating that the fish is in breeding condition. If the white spots are visible on other parts of the fish then your fish probably has Ich/Ick/ Whitespot and you will have to use a commercially available cure normally available at the pet shop.

Why do i see yellow spots randomly what does this mean?

Seeing yellow spots randomly in your vision could be a sign of a condition called eye floaters. These are tiny specks or spots that drift around in your field of vision. It's usually a harmless occurrence, but if you experience a sudden increase in floaters or flashes of light, you should seek medical attention as it could indicate a more serious issue like a retinal tear.

How can you tell if you have strep or a viral infection?

If you look at your throat and see white spots on it that is strep. Go see a doctor for either condition.

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wat does it mean when u see a white dove at night

How do you see nipples on a dwarf hamster?

Dwarf hamsters have tiny, barely noticeable nipples located on their underside, close to their hind legs. They are small and can be difficult to see without close inspection. Nipples are more prominent and noticeable during pregnancy or lactation.

Can white spots on the face be cancerous?

No, you might need to see a dermatologist.It could be pigment damage from the sun.

If a red tail black shark has white spots on its tail is this ich?

It may be. I would keep an eye on other fish ans see if the white spots start to spead if they do then I would immediately start a heat treatment to destroy the bug.

What color is the Amur leopard?

Normal leopards are orange with brown spots that have orange spots inside the brown ones. Snow leopards are white with black spots and have white spots within the black ones. Panthers are a species of leopard but are jet black so you can't see the spots.

Why do your flowers have white spots?

Well first of all, only white flowers are white. Red ones are red for instance. But a white flower is one with no pigmentation, therefore they reflect the full light spectrum, which we see as white.