

What does it mean to see 11 11?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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12y ago

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It means, to realize your blind to life. 11:11 is a wake up call to realize that on dec. 21 2012 there is going to be a planetary alignment and something amazing is going to happen. Your going to realize your a spirtiual being in a physical body. you feel it everyday as you ask questions as to why your here and why you have a longing to feel at home when you don't know where that truly is. so many questions in life, your blinded by modern society and the crashing economy and the media and new always keeping the people in fear. The truth is you have to just go sit in nature and clear your mind and don't even think just focus on everything alive. ask questions to why you think the things you do and why life seems like the energy and moments we lived in have faded do to everything going on in America. was just created to push you from the fact to keep you in fear of realizing who you are and what you are. Trust your intuition.put down your ego, follow your heart from hear on out cause i have since ive been seeing 11:11 for 4 years. with all ive researched and with meditation ive connected with my true self again. everything is energy feel it in your body, everything you think or believe modifies how you literally see life, think about it. hard. you will realize every step you take to wanting to know who you are will make you want it more cause the results will inspire you cause if feels amazing to be alive. 11:11 Wake up. We are all one consciousness, you have unlimited information inside you the whole time, you just have to look inside.

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