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In addition to numbing the area to relieve pain, the cold will force fluids associated with swelling out of the region. Conversely, heat will draw fluid into the area to loosen the muscle and increase circulation. The alternating applications of heat and cold speeds healing and re-nourishment of the tissues, while at the same time purge the area of lactic acid which will help with fatigue and cramping.

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Q: What does ice do for muscles?
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Why do baseball players put ice on their after a game?

Ice on their what? Icing is a form of relaxing your muscles.

What muscles do you use in ice dancing?

ur but muscle

Why do athletes take ice baths after practicing?

Hard practices can cause small tears in muscles. Taking ice baths can help reduce pain and soreness in the muscles.

Should you take an ice bath you were exercising loads yesterday and now muscles are aching Ive got a match tomorrow and so you need your muscles to recover as fast as possible Should you take an ice b?

That totally depends on you. But, taking an ice bath will only make ur muscles sore. Rest, and water, should do the trick

How do you releive torn muscles and joints?

With ice the first couple days then heat.

How can common fitness-related injuries be treatd at home when should medical care be sought?

With ice or heat. Ice for bones, heat for muscles.

How do you cure sore muscles?

Rest and application of ice packs usually helps the most.

When should you put ice on something and when should you put heat?

When in doubt, use ice. Most injuries cause swelling and inflammation of the tissues, and ice will help that. Heat is best for tired muscles.

What is the best way to ice a muscles?

Ice for 15-20 minutes. If possible, place the ice pack in a thin pillow case. This will prevent possible frost bite and discomfort while maintaining the ice pack closest to the skin.

Is ice good for hurt muscles?

yes. sometimes. other times heat feels better.

Is ice skating a exercise?

It is definitly an exercise, for your abs and your feet muscles. Sincerely, Sasha Cohen

What to do for dogs sore muscles?

Throw them in an ice bath for 2 minutes.. hold them in if they try and get out.