It's because they only have one muscle, that bends in that direction. When a human goes through rigor mortis, we don't contort in angles because we have two sets of muscles in our arms and legs. Spiders don't, so when they die their muscles constrict, and their legs curl up.
Yes they curl, and they probably react with the heat while cooking. And they curl just as a cooked taco :). If anyone has a better answer please be free to change this. :)
They curl up for protection, and use gnathpds to inject venom.
Your arms are moving a circular movement over the water while your legs are doing a up and down motion.
I believe a teenager would curl into a ball while unconscious for protection I believe the teenager is fearful.
Curl-up was created in 1951.
Koalas do smetimes curl up tightly when they sleep. They curl up in winter to keep warm.
a curl up is when you do an exersize to sit up and then back down up.... and down.
a curl up is when you do an exersize to sit up and then back down up.... and down.
A curl up is an exercise where you are when you are pulling your self up, but in a curl motion which help the biceps or your arms and also your abs.
A curl up is an exercise where you are when you are pulling your self up, but in a curl motion which help the biceps or your arms and also your abs.
A curl-up, or a sit-up is a common and simple exercise that will help strengthen your abs. To properly do one, lie flat on your back. Then, place your feet on the floor (the whole bottom of your foot should be on the floor) and make your knees into a triangle by putting them into the air at a 140 degree angle. They are not completely in the air. To do one, sit up slowly without leading too much with your hands, make sure your legs and abs are doing all the work. Do not take your feet off the floor or change your position too much.