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Q: What causes excessive sweat while at rest?
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Why is there often excessive sometimes blood tinged morning phlegm in it a nonsmoker?

Excessive and blood-tinged morning phlegm in a nonsmoker can be caused by a variety of factors, such as allergies, infections, postnasal drip, dry air, or sinus issues. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

What kind of rhyme is sweat and breasts?

sweat: threat, pet, net, set breast: chest, mess, rest, detest

What is an example of a physiological physical stressor?

An example of a physiological physical stressor is intense exercise, which can challenge the body's homeostasis by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature, as well as causing muscle fatigue and dehydration.

What is the disorder called if your hands sweat excessively?

This is a medical condition that is known as Hyperhidrosis. People with this disorder may even sweat in certain areas when the temperature is cool or when they are at rest. When excessive sweating is involved in hands, feet, or armpits, it is known as focal (or primary) hyperhidrosis. Primary hyperhidrosis seems to only affect 2-3% of the entire population. I suffer from hyperhidrosis myself! It isn't very fun.

If your heart beats really hard and you break out in a sweat when at rest is this a heart attack?

yes go die

What causes things to stay at rest?


What causes energy depletion?

Energy depletion can be caused by factors such as poor diet, lack of sleep, excessive stress, physical inactivity, and certain medical conditions. When the body is not getting the necessary nutrients and rest, or is under constant strain, it can lead to a decrease in energy levels.

Why might someone be suffering from excessive sleepiness?

There are several reasons why a person might be suffering from excessive sleepiness. One reason is that a person may not be getting enough rest or sleep each night.

What property of matter causes an object to have inertia of rest?

The property of matter that causes an object to have inertia of rest is its mass. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and determines how difficult it is to change the object's state of rest or motion. Objects with more mass have greater inertia of rest.

How do you get rid of a runny nose easily?

Try to get lots of rest and drink tea with lemon and get some rest.By the way you want to sweat.

Why you sweat between legs?

Because you are hot between the legs, and the clothing you are wearing prevents the perspiration from evaporating as rapidly as it does on the rest of your body.

What causes the heart not to rest properly?

The heat muscle does not need rest, it works from the time it forms (in the embryo) up until you die.