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That would be increased respiration and increased oxidation.


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Q: What are two body processes that would change in response to an increase in muscle activity?
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Does increase in activity increase your bmr?

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Which change would cause the topsoil in West Virginia to increase in thickness?

an increase in biological activity. :)

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To reduce water activity, you can # dry the food # add sugar # add salt To increase water activity, add water.

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The Earth's surface is constantly changing due to natural processes such as erosion, volcanic activity, plate tectonics, and weathering. These changes can occur over short periods of time due to events like earthquakes or landslides, or over longer periods in response to gradual processes like the movement of tectonic plates.

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Increased deposition of sediment over time would most likely cause a soil layer to increase in thickness. This can happen through processes like erosion, weathering, and the accumulation of organic matter, which contribute to the gradual build-up of soil over time.

Do tornadoes have to do with what humans done to the earth?

No. There were tornadoes on earth before humans existed. Some have tried to link an apparent increase in tornadic activity with climate change caused by humans, but in reality there has been no such increase in activity.

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The processes that shape the Earth include plate tectonics, erosion, weathering, and volcanic activity. These processes work together to constantly change the Earth's surface over time.

What type of person studies processes that change and shape of earth?

A geologist studies processes that change and shape the Earth, such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, erosion, and plate tectonics. They aim to understand the Earth's history and how its features have evolved over time.

What is the name for a change in the environment that causes an organism to change its activity What is an example of a response What is an example of an internal stimulus?

stimulus,an example a insect touching the hair like figures on a venus fly trap