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Most exercises are safe for everyone if they are done using proper exercise technique. Here are ten examples of what not to do. One cannot be sure that these are the most dangerous mistakes, but, if they are not, they undoubtedly relate to the most dangerous mistakes. (1) Obviously, if you push too hard doing aerobic (cardio) exercise, you could stimulate a heart attack. That is a way to kill yourself doing exercise. It happens every year--even to people who are fit (most famously to James Fixx, the running guru). (2) Another way is to have improper technique on bench presses. If you black out because of improper breathing and are not doing bench presses in a power rack or with spotters, that, too, is a way to kill yourself doing exercise. Several people die yearly from that. (3) Typically, though, acting foolishly while exercising will not kill you; it will just injure you. For example, if you go for a run without proper warming up, you could strain connective tissues. Similarly, some people simply cannot do certain exercises. We are all different. Do not simply assume that you are able to do every exercise that someone else can do. If you find that your body does not handle a certain exercise well, drop it from your routine and replace it with alternative exercises. (4) A big mistake is thinking that, if a little is good, a lot more must be better. A common mistake is exercising too frequently. This will eventually yield overuse injuries and overtraining. For example, if you run ten miles a day, eventually you are going to end up with shin splints, stress fractures, or something of that kind. You may also compromise your immune system, which will make you more susceptible to various illnesses. A related mistake is using inherently dangerous exercises such as behind-the-neck presses, behind-the-neck pull-downs, and squats in a Smith machine, or dips with weight hung around your waist. You might get away with these for years if you use lighter weights, but, eventually, if you keep training, they will often catch up to you--permanently. (5) Another common mistake is doing imbalanced weight training, in other words, failing to strengthen the muscles on both sides of a joint. Why do so many football players and other athletes suffer from hamstring pulls? It is often because they train their quads with resistance training while failing to train their hamstrings. For example, they do lots of squats without doing any leg curls. This creates muscular imbalance that often results in pulled muscles. When you follow a program of resistance training, make sure that an expert designed that program. (6) Another common mistake is improper exercise technique. One example is bouncing at the bottom of a squat, which you should only do if you want to blow out a knee. (7) There is a related mistake, which is using weight that is too heavy. When you train, leave your ego outside the gym. (8) Another common mistake is using anabolic steroids. Yes, they work for muscular growth. However, they have no effect on connective tissues. That creates an imbalance between the muscles and the connective tissues, which often results in torn tendons. (9)Another common mistake may be due to confusion. Trainees often understand that keeping a straight back is good during, for example, heavy squats and deadlifts (which are the most productive resistance exercises). The problem is that they do not understand what a straight back is! Actually, keeping a straight back does not mean that you should keep your back straight. A physically straight back is actually a rounded back! A straight back is a back with a natural curve; the lumbar section is concave (as happens when you push your belly out). So, push your belly forward to ensure that your back is in its naturally strongest position before stressing it in any way--including doing, for example, various kinds of overhead presses. (10) Another very common mistake is using momentum or, similarly, twisting or jerking weights in order to move them. No mo! In other words, no momentum. Use perfect rep speed with no momentum as well as perfect exercise technique on every rep. As usual, it is not just a matter of working hard. It is also a matter of working smart. Train hard, but work up to it slowly and use your brain as well as the rest of your body. Train in good health!

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