The semitendinosus and the semimembranosus muscles assist the biceps femoris in the action of flexing the knee joint. The semitendinosus and the semimembranosusmuscles also work together to perform extension of the hip joint.
hip extensor, gluteus maximus
Vertebral Foraminal Entrapment on Hip Flexion and Knee Extension
The purpose of the gluteus maximus is extension, including hyperextension, of the hip.
Synergists help steady movements and fixators help stablize the prime movers origin.
Hip Extension the agonist would be Glutues Maximus
Flexion, extension, rotation, adduction of the hip, extension and rotation at the knee
Flexion, extension, rotation, adduction of the hip, extension and rotation at the knee
Hip extension
Flexion of the Hip and extension of the Knee
Vertebral Foraminal Entrapment on Hip Flexion and Knee Extension