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Acidity & Gas problem.Increasing weight & related so many health problem like High blood pressure,dibetic etc

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Q: What are the effects of no physical activity on the digestive system?
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What are the Long term effects of physical activity on the endocrine system?

joints seasing up

What effects the digestive system?

digestive is to digest but the digestive system is a system of digestion.

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What is the first activity of the digestive system?

the answer is ingestion.

What are some short-term physical effects of marijuana?

help you relax help your digestive system increase your eyesight reduce stress

What is the system that stimulates the activity of the digestive tract?

Primarily the nervous system can stimulate or inhibit the digestive system, but the adrenal system, the thyroid, and the reproductive system all also affect the digestive system.

Examine and briefly describe the effects of regular physical activity on three body systems?

Cardiovascular system: Regular physical activity can improve heart health by strengthening the heart muscle, lowering blood pressure, and increasing circulation. It can also reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Musculoskeletal system: Physical activity helps build and maintain strong bones, muscles, and joints. It can improve flexibility, balance, and coordination, reducing the risk of injuries and conditions like osteoporosis. Mental health: Regular exercise releases endorphins, which can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also improve cognitive function, boost mood, and enhance overall well-being.

Are effects of tobacco and alcohol the same?

Tobacco effects mainly the respiratory system and nervous system. Alcohol effects the circulatory system the digestive system (e.g. liver) and the nervous system.

What 3 organ system helps you move in sports activity?

Reproduction system, digestive system and the one i dont know the name of

Starvation effects on the digestive system?

The biggest affect on the digestive system is that it will all weaken. It can even weaken to the point where it cannot handle food or fluids if it is actually taken in.

What role does the nervous system play in the digestive system?

The nervous system helps to regulate and coordinate the digestive process. It controls the muscles in the stomach and intestines, as well as regulating the release of digestive enzymes and hormones. It also receives feedback from the digestive system to help maintain proper function.

What does cranberry do to your system?

The effects of cranberry pills in the digestive system are said to be therapeutic. Cranberry pills eliminates any infections of the urinary tract and maintains a healthy digestive system.