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Most exercise equipment will help you build muscle as in the six pack abs that look so good, however if you have a layer of fat on top of this muscle you just won't see it. So if you really want to have flat abs you need both exercise and diet. If you want them fast, you need to diet and work hard. Be careful, the faster it comes off the faster it will come back...

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16y ago
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9y ago


your question is little bit complex then you thinking

if you want abs you need to work hard and its need to be long process.

always remember the quote "what come easy go easy" .

However there are several books that can help you to get faster results then the others. check this ebook if you want I recommend him.

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12y ago

It is not only about how fast, it is also about keeping it off once lost. Therefore, lots of movement from any for of cardio exercise or cardio sports is needed, or even just walking fast and lots of it.

In addition, you have to eat correctly - not necessarily dieting - but just eat food that is good for you such as plain protein and leafy green vegetables and avoid, or strictly limit, refined processed carbohydrates. You can do a million sit-ups but that will not help.

Therefore, you need cardio exercise and you need to avoid or limit refined processed carbohydrates. Refined processed carbohydrates are a major cause of fat accumulating around the abdomen and gradually increasing insulin resistance. For more information, to show you how to do it, and for free cardio exercise plans, and a list of refined processed carbohydrates, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.


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9y ago

Do abdominal exercises. I did them and I got great results, but don't do them everyday unless you want to be in pain. If you work hard, you'll see results in at least 3 to 5 months! Try some exercise videos, as well.

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13y ago

well i can not promise you this is the quickest way to get abs but this is what i found out. normally you will see people with abs and they have flat stomaches and low body fat. well that's why they have abs,because they have low body fat. but how do you do this? cardio is a good way to lower body fat. run jog anything. Skateboarding bike riding there all good ways. sit ups are what people think they have to do to get amazing abs but what sit ups do is it burns the sugar in your body. so its impossible to do them indeffinitly or long enough to get abs off of them. you should diet or control you calorie consuption and work on cardio. this way you loose body fat and will start to see you abs. how long this will take i do not know. it all depends on how much body fat you have to loose. but then you can do exercises like planks and other things like that. well i hope this helped you guys. have a good day and good luck on the abs if you are going to try this. which i really encourage you to do. later.

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18y ago

Crunches are what you need to start. However it is no good having a six pack if the rest of you is weedy. You need an all over program.

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14y ago

there is no true way to get abs quick. you just have to set youur mind to it and work hard to reach that goal.

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14y ago

Lose weight, exercise daily. Lots of aerobic mixed with weight training. Situps, crunches, and squats. For a detailed plan look at the related link below.

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12y ago

First, do 50 crunches. Then 50 push- ups, and then about 20 squats.

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What are the best new exercises for toning the abs?

Situps and crunches are good abs exercises.

What type of exercises are good for conditioning ones abs?

There are many exercises for conditioning the abs. Some of these are the basic crunch, the plank, the bicycle, the abdominal hold, the side crunch, and the hundred.

What are good at home exercises for the fatty stomach?

Any sort of sit up that works the abs, look up good abdominal exercises. CARDIO WILL NOT WORK

What exercises will tone your abs?

Some exercises that will tone exercises are crunches and yoga exercises. The lung may be a good thing to try. Push ups will help make the area tighter.

What are good exercise plans for flat abs?

For flat abs, you can do abdominal exercises. These include: sit-ups, and waist twists, to name a couple of them.

What are some good exercises to work on abs?

Dancing believe it or not (of course using your abs. not like fist pumping) crunches and plank are excellent ones.

Is rice good for a diet to six pack abs?

Rice really is not a good diet to get six pack abs. You need to eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. You also need to do ab exercises.

Do ball exercises really work the abs?

Yes, there are many exercises that can be done with exercise balls that will incorperate the use of your abs. Most balls will come with a workout sheet explaning some of the exercises for you.

How do you build 8 abs?

you exercises eat healthy and be happy oh and its a good idea to drink organic veggies and fruits.

Can Indian girls born in Britain get six pack abs and biceps?

Anyone can get six pack abs and biceps, regardless of where they are born, if they work hard, do the proper exercises and have a good diet.

What is a good diet to get sexy abs for women?

The best thing to trim down and get abs, is actually simple. Less junk food, eat more organic food, and more core exercises. Sit ups is a great way to get sexy looking abs. Good luck!

How many days a week should I work out my abs?

You can work out your abs every day, if you vary the exercises that you use. If you want to only do abs once or twice a week, you should do a number of different exercises on those days.