what are the health benefits of exercise and physical activities
what are the health benefits of exercise and physical activities
Yes!! Exercise has many health and mood benefits!!
Two physical benefits of exercise are improved cardiovascular health and increased muscle strength.
Exercise + Fun.
Using a leg press machine is great exercise. There are many benefits to using the leg press machine such as increased muscle tone, decreased fat, and just general toning.
No, you do not "have" to exercise. However, you lose out on many benefits if you do not exercise. You may also compromise your health if you do too little exercise. For more information about the many benefits of exercise, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions..
Getting to exercise
Exercise is a more general term, bodybuilding is a type of exercise. Bodybuilding focuses on the creation of muscle by weight training. General exercise classes will include more aerobic exercise.
your fat
the lunge is a great exercise for the legs.
It gives the person in the wheelchair exercise.