

What are aerobic microbes?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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13y ago

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Microbes that require oxygen for their metabolic processes.

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Q: What are aerobic microbes?
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How is the water from a septic tank purified?

The liquid is cleaned by the aerobic microbes in the soil.

Why is catalase necessary for survival of aerobic microbes and what does it do?

Catalase is necessary for the survival of aerobic microbes because it breaks down toxic hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is a byproduct of aerobic metabolism and can damage cell components if not neutralized. Catalase helps protect cells from this damage, allowing aerobic microbes to thrive in oxygen-rich environments.

Why aerobic microbs are die in the condition of abesnt of air place?

Aerobic microbes require oxygen to carry out cellular respiration, which is their primary method of generating energy. In the absence of oxygen, they are unable to produce ATP efficiently and eventually die due to lack of energy production. This is why aerobic microbes cannot survive in environments where oxygen is unavailable.

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Microbes have more metabolic pathways than all multicellular organisms -Anaerobic vs. Aerobic

Bacteria that survive with or without oxygen are known as?

Facultative anaerobes. These bacteria can switch between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism depending on the availability of oxygen in their environment.

How do you reduce organic matter in waste water treatment?

You can reduce organic matter by encouraging aerobic activity of the microbes in a septic system.

4 conditions necessary for decay of organic matter caused by microbes?

Presence of moisture, suitable temperature range, availability of oxygen (aerobic decay) or absence of oxygen (anaerobic decay), and a source of organic material for the microbes to feed on.

What type of microbe would potentially be destroyed by the use of hydrogen peroxide aerobic or anerobic?

Hydrogen peroxide is effective against aerobic microbes, which require oxygen to grow, as it produces reactive oxygen species that can damage their cell structures. However, anaerobic microbes, which do not require oxygen to survive, may not be as susceptible to hydrogen peroxide due to their different metabolic pathways.

How are the substances broken down by microbes?

Microbes break down substances through a process called degradation, where they secrete enzymes to breakdown complex molecules into simpler forms that they can uptake and use as nutrients. This process involves a series of chemical reactions that help microbes extract energy and building blocks for their own growth and metabolism. Microbes play a crucial role in recycling materials in ecosystems by breaking down organic matter into simpler compounds.

What are the aerobic and anaerobic culture media?

Aerobic culture media contains oxygen and is used to grow organisms that require oxygen to grow, while anaerobic culture media is oxygen-free and is used to grow organisms that can only survive in the absence of oxygen. The choice of media depends on the type of microorganism being cultured and its oxygen requirements.