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Aerobic (meaning with air) exercise primarily works your cardio vascular system, like aerobics, biking or running. Anerobic (without air) is like Weightlifting

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Q: What are aerobic and anaerobic exercises?
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What do aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercises have in common?

They both promote physical endurance.

What are ways that aerobic and anaerobic respiration are similar?

Aerobic exercises concentrate on strengthening the muscles involved in respiration and the heart rate increases. These exercises improve the circulation of blood and transportation of oxygen in the body. Anaerobic exercises build strength and muscle mass. While performing these exercises the heart rate will not increase as much.

What kind of exercise creates an oxygen deficit?

Aerobic exercise requires oxygen, anaerobic exercise does not. Aerobic exercises include walking, running, swimming, and jumping rope.

Is walking aerobic or anaerobic?

Walking is considered an aerobic exercise because it primarily uses oxygen to meet the body's energy demands. Anaerobic exercises, on the other hand, are high-intensity activities that do not rely on oxygen for energy production.

What does aerobic exercises have to do with the Greek word part meaning air?

Aerobic exercises (and respiration) refer to the presence of air. Aerobic exercises, for example, have a greater focus on constant breathing rather than strenuous performance. Anaerobic exercise, on the other hand, means an absence of air.

Is lacrosse an aerobic or anaerobic sport?

Lacrosse is a mix of both aerobic and anaerobic elements. Players need endurance for running around the field (aerobic), as well as short bursts of intense energy for sprinting, dodging, and shooting (anaerobic). Training programs for lacrosse players typically incorporate both aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

What do aerobic and anaerobic exercises have in common?

They both promote physical endurance.

When are anaerobic and aerobic energy pathways used during extended exercises such as distance?

During extended exercises such as distance running, both anaerobic and aerobic energy pathways are utilized. Anaerobic pathways are primarily used during the beginning of the exercise or during bursts of intense activity, while aerobic pathways become the predominant source of energy as the exercise continues and oxygen availability increases. The transition from anaerobic to aerobic energy production helps to sustain energy output over longer durations of exercise.

Are humans aerobic or anaerobic?

Humans are both aerobic and anaerobic.

What is the opposite of aerobic?

Anaerobic is the opposite of Aerobic. Aerobic means 'with oxygen' whilst Anaerobic means 'without oxygen'