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Q: True or false decreases can temperature helps facilitate increases in ROM?
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When the temperature of a medium increases the speed of sound decreases true or false?

False. In general, the speed of sound increases as the temperature of a medium increases. This is because higher temperatures lead to greater molecular motion, which increases the speed at which sound waves can travel through the medium.

When temperature increases the kinetic energy of the particlles decreases true or false?

No. In gases, 'Absolute temperature' is proportionally related to the kinetic energy of the particles. Therefore, increase in temperature results in increase in the kinetic energy of the particles.

Decreased temperature helps to facilitate increases in ROM?

Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood against the inner walls of the blood vessels

When temperature increases the kinetic energy of the particles decreases?

Kinetic energy is directly related to temperature, because temperature is the average kinetic energy of an object. Therefore, as the temperature of an object decreases, its kinetic energy decreases, as well.

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In the troposphere, as air temperature increases, air pressure generally decreases. This is because warmer air is less dense and exerts less pressure on its surroundings compared to cooler air.

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False. Pressure decreases from the center to the outside.

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False. The frequency of a wave and its wavelength are inversely proportional - as the wavelength decreases, the frequency increases, and vice versa.

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False. As the amount of alcohol in a person's body increases, their driving ability decreases. Alcohol impairs judgement, coordination, and reaction time, making it dangerous to drive under the influence.

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False it increases them!!!!