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Q: Should you go running or go to sleep?
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If you wake up at 8 am what time should you go to sleep?

You should go to sleep at 11:00 PM. The number of hours of sleep you need are at least 9.

When a teenager must sleep?

It depends, for the most part, teenagers should get eight hours of sleep. First of all is when they get up, if they have to go to school at 6:00am, then they should go to sleep at 10:00pm, but if they seem to have trouble with getting up after 8 hours of sleep, then they should go to sleep earlier. If they seem to get up pretty easily with 8 hours of sleep, they can go to sleep later.

Should I go to sleep?

yes you should

what should you do when you tired?

go to sleep?

Should you go to sleep after a spider has crawled over your bed?

You can look for it. Then, if you do not find it you can go to sleep.

What time should children go to sleep when school is out?

They should go to sleep at 9:30 PM, and then wake up at 8:00 AM.

What to do when everybody went to sleep on you?

you should go to sleep or go to pet land or get on the computer or play with your pet

What time should a teen go to sleep?

A teenager needs 8 1/2 to 9 hours sleep a night to be able to function at their peak so they should go to sleep at a time that allows them to get that much sleep.

What time should a baby dinosaur go to sleep?

A baby dinosaur should go to sleep at 6:00 because it will be light out and easy to see bigger dinosaurs at that time. Unlike humans we go to sleep when we feel like it but babies sleep when they want.

What should you do if you are tired?

Go to sleep.

You are 12 should you go to sleep at 930?

Maybe you should go to sleep at least 8:00 during school days If there is no classes the next day, you can sleep as late as you want to but don't go to sleep later than 12:00 so that you won't sleep the whole day...

What should a 13 year old go to sleep?

I think you mean why should a 13 year old should go to sleep. If you do, then its important because without sleep your brain doesn't function properly because of lack of rest.