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short term effects on how exercise encourages new bone formation

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Who exemplifies a positive feedback process happening in bone mineral deposition?

Osteoblasts exemplify a positive feedback process in bone mineral deposition. When new bone is formed by osteoblasts, they release proteins that stimulate further osteoblast activity and mineral deposition. This creates a cycle where bone formation encourages more bone formation.

Which radioisotope helps studies of bone formation?

The radioisotope Technetium-99m is commonly used in nuclear medicine for studies of bone formation. It has a short half-life and emits gamma rays that can be detected by imaging techniques to assess bone health.

What is another name for bone formation?

Another name for bone formation is ossification.

What is the medical term meaning no formation of cartilage?

Achondroplasia is the medical term for a genetic disorder in which there is a lack of formation of cartilage, leading to abnormal bone growth and short stature.

What is the final stage in the healing of a bone fracture?

The order of stages of bone fracture healing is formation of a hematoma, formation of a fibrocartilaginous callus, formation of a bony callus, and, finally, bone remodeling.

What are the four stages of bone formation?

There are four stages in the repair of a broken bone: 1) the formation of hematoma at the break, 2) the formation of a fibrocartilaginous callus, 3) the formation of a bony callus, and 4) remodeling and addition of compact bone.

Is the talus an irregular bone?

its a short bone

Formation of the bone?


What is that bone formation that the pituitary gland is resting in?

Sphenoid bone

Do anabolic steroids promote bone growth?

Yes, anabolic steroids can promote bone growth by increasing bone density and mineralization. They can stimulate osteoblast activity, leading to an increase in bone formation. However, prolonged use of steroids can also have negative effects on bone health, such as reducing bone strength and increasing the risk of fractures.

What provides the blueprint for bone formation when bone ossifies?

hyaline cartilage

What is the function of osteoid?

For formation of bone