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Q: Is it possible to sprain your leg?
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Can you sprain a leg?

ask your mom to do it for you

How can you sprain your leg?

I recommend doing the jerk.

Can you break your leg from a shin splint?

It's possible to sprain muscles in the shin area.

How does a person with a sprain leg keep fit?


Is it possible to sprain a back muscle?

No. A sprain is an injury to a ligament. It is possible, however, to strain a back muscle.

What are the symptoms of a rear leg sprain in dogs?

Generally limping.

What are the symptoms of a front leg sprain for a dog?

Very. I have not met one that is not.

Is it possible to sprain your ankle and it not swell?

yes it is.

Can you break a bone in your foot that feels like a sprain?

Yes, it's possible to break a bone in your foot and think you have a sprain

How Long does a sprained or broken ankle usually take to heal?

It depends on the where you break or sprain a body part breaking of the leg or arm hurts more than a sprain but a sprain on an ankle wrist or fingers and toes is typically more painful than a break, Yes a break is more severe but a sprain can often cause more pain

What does it mean when someone sprains their leg or foot?

A sprain is a slight or severe tear in a ligament caused by over-extension of a jointFirst degree sprain - is a tear of only a few fibers of the ligament.Second degree sprain - is a tear of part of a ligament, from a third to almost all its fibers.Third degree sprain - is a complete tear of the ligament

What can you give a 21 lb mini daschund for a leg sprain?

wal mart carries doggie aspirin