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Absolutely you can pull a muscle in your stomach from playing Wii. Not that it is a smart thing to do, or something you should try, but if you play the game extremely entergetically, it is possible. I think that part of the draw of Wii are games where you actually get up and move and not slip into couch potato mode... so that means you are doing something right. I would chill slightly though, because pulled muscles hurt.

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yes, this is normal it just means that the muscles in that area were worked more then they are use to and is a good result.

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Q: Is it normal to have lower stomach ache after exercising?
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No! You probably have a stomach ache or are hungry. I get it sometimes then i eat something and it goes away just relax don't worry! ☺

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It's neither good or bad. Mint is supposedly good for stomach ache though.

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Sex likely will not cure a stomach ache, but it may take your mind off of the pain.

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Signs that your cat may have a stomach ache include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, and abdominal discomfort (arching the back, pacing, or vocalizing). If you notice any of these symptoms, it is best to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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When you eat spicy foods, they often produce a lot of stomach acid. Stomach acid can give you a stomach ache.

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belly ache mean stomach pain or ache

If stomach ache can kill?

Nobody not even one person in this world ever died from a stomach ache but it feels like it though.