

Best Answer

The word 'exercise' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical action that you repeat in order to make your body or a part of your body stronger.

The word 'exercise' is an abstract noun as a word for an activity or set of activities that you do in order to learn how to do something; a set of activities that the armed forces do in order to prepare for battle; an activity that has a particular plan, purpose, or result.

The word 'exercise' is also a verb.

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Q: Is exercise a concrete word
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Is word word concrete?

The word 'exercise' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical action that you repeat in order to make your body or a part of your body stronger.The word 'exercise' is an abstract noun as a word for an activity or set of activities that you do in order to learn how to do something; a set of activities that the armed forces do in order to prepare for battle; an activity that has a particular plan, purpose, or result.The word 'exercise' is also a verb.

Is exercises a concrete or an abstract noun?

The noun 'exercise' is an abstract noun; a word for a physical activity; a learning activity; a military activity; an action that has a particular plan, purpose, or result. The noun 'exercise' is a word for a concept.

What is the noun of exercise?

The noun 'exercise' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for an activity; a word for a concept. The noun 'exercise' is a word for: physical activity a learning activity a military activity an activity with a purpose or goal

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The noun 'drills' (the plural form of the noun drill) is an abstract noun as a word for military exercises; a repetitious exercise used to teach or train a skill; a word for a concept.The noun 'drills' is a concrete noun as a word for a tool used to make holes; a word for a physical object.

What syllable is stressed in word concrete?

The stress is on the first syllable in the word "concrete."

How much does it cost to buy concrete?

Estimating concrete prices is not an easy exercise, as many factors are involved in pricing concrete. Some of these factors include the following: grading, subbase preparation, concrete forms and finishing, reinforcement, and the cost of concrete.

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Yes, the word 'videotape' is a concrete noun, a word for a physical thing.

What syllable is stressed in the word concrete?

The stress in the word "concrete" falls on the first syllable, "con."

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The word music is a concrete noun, a word for something that can be seen (in written form) and heard.

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the frecnh word for exercise is spelled "exercice"

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The Latin word for concrete is solidus.

Is to a concrete noun?

Yes, the word concrete is a noun, a common, concrete, uncountable noun; a word for a rough building material made from a mixture of broken stone or gravel, sand, cement, and water; a word for a substance, a thing.The word concrete is also an adjective: a concretepatio