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It can be when you start out, its recommended to do this in silence, but as you're able to focus more and more on it, light music can be added

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Q: Is Buddhist meditation done in silence?
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If properly done, it's essentially the same as any other kind of true meditation. That is, focusing the mind for long time on a very specific and simple object, being physical or not (even "no object" could be). It seems that in Buddhist meditation some meditation objects are more frequent. Such is the case of meditation on breathing, on the body parts or on the full body as a whole among others.

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The name of the form of ancient Chinese meditation is Buddhist Chinese meditation.

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Is it okay to meditate in complete silence?

Meditation in complete silence is essential for concentration of mind,as peace and tranquility are the essences of meditation.Outward noises and disturbances disrupts the peace of mind and thereby frustrates the basic objective of meditation.

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What is Buddhist practice?

For most Buddhsts in the Tibetan tradition practise is typically meditation.

About Buddhist meditation?

Buddhist meditation is a mental way to concentrate. Buddhist meditation ultimately leads to enlightnment and spiritual freedom. There are two main types of Buddhist meditations such as Vipassana (insight) and Samatha (tranquility). In China and Japan Buddhism has turned into sitting meditation (zen meditating). Meditating is now known to be one of the best ways to control adhd, majorly reduce anxiety, cure depression, and many other problems. Meditation usually takes beginners at least a month to get the full hang of it. To properly meditate one must do it on a daily basis for 5-20 mins a day. Meditating teaches people to stay calm and trains people to deal with their stress correctly. An example of how will meditation helps us cope with our daily stress is when Kimberly A. Williams, PH.D., at West Virgina University in Morgantown, and her fellow co-workers did a testing on how will meditation helps "stressed out" individuals. They recruited 35 individuals. After the "mindful training" study was done they found that the individuals were 54% less stressed out.