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probably not, my mom was like that and she pretty much stayed the same, sorry, im going through the same thing so your not alone. :D

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Q: Im 16 and i weigh 120 and im 5'4 my hips arent very wide yet and i wear size 3 and 5 in jeans will i grow more and will my hips spread?
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At what age are teenagers finished growing and will you get taller if you're a 16-year-old girl and weigh 99 pounds and are about 5'1'' and wear size zero and will your hips spread out more?

Girls can go on growing until they are about 18 but you will probably only grow another inch or so. If you have always been petite you will probably remain that way. The best thing to do is look at the other people in your family, if they are all petite you will remain so too. If you are about 16 and weigh 99 pounds and you are 5'1, I don't believe you will grow any more. However you might if you sleep spread out on your stomach or back, because gravity will spread your height evenly and you might be able to grow 2 inches or more if you continue to sleep this way. It may seem uncomfortable, but you will get used to it.

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