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okay,. none of that really matters, there are guys out there that are 150 that can bench over 200 pounds and guys out there that are 300 pounds that coulde barely lift 100 pounds. Its all about your training and nutrition.

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Q: I weigh about 175 to 180 lbs I am 6'2 188 cm at age 17 How much should I be able to bench press and curl with ONE arm 10 reps each?
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You should be able to atleast bench over 385.

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it should be able to bench 1.5 times its weight and they weigh over 1600lbs but its over and it doesnt say so if we stick with 1600lbs it should be able to bench 2400 lbs. hope that helps.

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you should be able to bench your own weight.

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I'm 13 yrs old and I'm 111 and when i bench press i usually bench 80-110. Jorgie145- A good reference to use is if you can bench you own weight about 10 times. You are considered more "elite" when you can bench twice your body weight or more.

How much should you bench-press if you weigh 153 pounds?

Most men who don't lift weights cannot bench their own bodyweight until they have trained for a while. If you weigh 95lbs and have never lifted before start with 60-80lbs for 8-12 repswhen that becomes easy, obviously add a bit more weight I weigh 145lbs and I can bench 190 (1 rep max) but I've trained for about 1 year

How much should you be able to bench press?

you should be at least able to bench your own weight but if you can't then you are pretty weak my bench press is 100 pounds max at a body weight of 96 pounds but keep your self at a pace you can do you dont want to hurt youself. -- Everyones bench press max is different. I weigh 130pounds, my 5 sets of 5 is with 130 pounds and my max is 170pounds. 30-40pounds above your 5 by 5 max is a pretty good guesstimate of your one rep max if you are around my weight. i weigh 139 and can do 190

I bench 245lbs and weigh 200lbs and im 6'3'' am i strong?

Yes, you are. If you are in good shape, you should be able to bench your weight.

How much should a 16 year old at 160 be able to bench press?


How much should you be able to bench press you weight 185?

your own weight, 185.

How much should a 210 lb 31 year old man be able to bench press?

i think that he should start off with 100 lbs but in the end, he should be able to bench 200. some where near his weight.

How much does Dr Dre bench press?

dr dre has been confirmed to be able to bench press 425 lbs.

How much should you bench at 165 pounds?

A person in reasonable shape be able to bench press his own weight. Any amount above that is considered a remarkable feat.