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i would say you should execise more.. did you know that by you cracking your knuckles it can cause artharitis... and also joint fractures... exercise more often and you want feel all of the tension in your body


I recommend when you wish to cracking your knuckles ,instead of doing that do something more satisfying such as massaging your fingers slowly :press each of your fingers by thumb and index finger of either hand , do this for all your fingers and then press your nails for 2-3 seconds and then release the pressure , when you are doing this talk to your self and say to your self :"I AM WORTHY FOR RESPECT AND CALM DOWN AND RELAXING AND GOD BLESS ME" ..... :)

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Q: I have been cracking knuckles for a long time so what is a good habit I use to replace it with?
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Is cracking your knuckles a habit?

Yea it is i have been cracking my knuckles a long time and it has become a habit BUT i choose to it is kind of a stress reliever

Does cracking your knuckles affect your piano plying?

No cracking the knuckles has not been found to cause arthritis or osteoporosis, not to interfere with range of motion activities such as piano playing. It's just annoying.

Is cracking your knuckles just releasing gas?

Yes, when you crack your knuckles, you are actually causing a sudden release of gas bubbles that have formed in the synovial fluid around your joints. This release creates the popping sound that is commonly associated with knuckle cracking.

Why is cracking knuckles addicting?

Cracking knuckles may feel addicting due to the release of pressure and stress in the joints, leading to a temporary feeling of relief and satisfaction. The sound produced when cracking knuckles can also be satisfying for some individuals, reinforcing the habit. However, cracking knuckles excessively can potentially lead to joint damage over time.

What are the effects from cracking your knuckles?

Many of you may have been told that cracking your knuckles will cause arthritis. However, several studies have shown that there is no direct relation between cracking your knuckles and arthritis, so this is possibly the biggest knuckle cracking myth. Though arthritis may be out of the question, doing so can cause several other undesirable effects, which is probably why you should stop cracking them as of this moment. Yes, it may be relaxing and help you reduce the stiffness of your joints after long hours of typing, writing, painting, or performing any other task. While the relaxing effect may be temporary, over a longer period, cracking your knuckles will lead to several problems.When you crack your knuckles, you may be prone to stretching and bending your fingers in all sorts directions to hear that 'crack'. However, cracking your knuckles too much can cause your ligaments to stretch, leading to a damage in your fingers, and also cause soft tissue injuries.Cracking your knuckles often can also cause you to have swollen fingers. In such a case you ought to have your fingers checked, because swelling is not a direct reaction of knuckle cracking.You should be worried when cracking your knuckles causes pain, because in no way should pain be related to the act of knuckle cracking.Lastly, this habit can also reduce the strength of your hand and of your grip.Several people consider even these effects to be myths. However, these effects have been established on the basis of some research and are not completely baseless.

If you stop cracking your knuckles will they get smaller?

I believe the swelling casued by cracking knuckles is just a myth, I have been cracking them and know people who used to do it or still do it, they never noticed any swelling. Actually when you crack knuckles there is hydrogen and some other gas bubble like substance which actually burst and that is how you hear the crack, so I think that has nothing to with Swelling of fingers or toes

Can cracking your knuckles cause artheritus?

There is no scientifct prof of this, people belive this because when cracked the knuckes grow and get big. But this is just your nitrogen bubbles poping and then your fingers react and go swollen. Cracking you knuckles does no harm but it is still not a googd habbit to start. I know this because my grandad is a specilist on this topic and he has been studing all his life! You can keep cracking your knuckles but still it is not a good idea 2 start.

When you crack your knuckles what cracks is there air bubbles?

I've been cracking my knuckles, back, neck, knees, etc. for years now and my doctor tells me it's tiny air pockets. He said as long as it doesn't hurt, it's perfectly ok to continue cracking joints.

How do you crack your knuckles?

Cracking your knuckles is the result of gas bubbles being released from the synovial fluid in your joints when you stretch them. The cracking sound you hear is caused by the sudden change in pressure within the joint. It is generally harmless, but excessive cracking can potentially lead to weakened grip strength or joint damage over time.

Is cracking your fingers Bad for you?

Doctors say that cracking your knuckles is likely not harmful, but not saying definitely no either. Research on this habit (which I'm guilty of myself) is not common, and the little that has been done shows no link between knuckle-cracking and arthritis. The association with arthritis is probably an old wives' tale, but hurting the hand can happen in other ways. There's no benefit to it, and nature didn't intend repeated stretching of the ligaments of the finger joints. There have been injury cases where one person over-stretched his ligaments and dislocated his fingers, and another person partially tore the ligament in her thumb.

Does knuckles like sonia?

It is not known if Knuckles like Sonia. There have been fan fictions that have been written that have Sonia and Knuckles in a relationship.

What causes the knucles to crack?

Actually, I believe I had been told that the cracking sound you hear when you bend your fingers/knuckles in such a way, is actually the sound of bubbles of gas between your joints popping. This always seemed logical to me, because in biology you learn about the different types of gases and acids in the body that build up in certain areas due to movement or lack of movement. The sound you hear when cracking knuckles is the sound of gas being released in the joints as the presume on them is relieved.