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yes, it is. but if you're healthy and it looks sexy than it is okay ;-)

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Q: I am sixteen and 163 cm. My weight is 43 kg. Is that too thin?
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Why is Richard marx so thin?

He is too thin because he is as fanatical about his weight as his wife is.

What are the 6 levels of fat?

Too thin, thin,underweight, ideal weight, overweight, obese.

Does whey protein give definition to your body?

no it makes you thin very thin so if you wont to loss weight great way too loose weight

Is 70 kilos for a sixteen year old female bad?

yes it's too much weight. sixteen year old should be approx 55-60 kg.

Is 12 stone too thin for a 5 FOOT 2 person?

not at all that is a healthy weight

Whats the average weight for a sixteen girl that's 5'6?

Usually it's from 120-140. It can vary with activity and what you eat too.

is there any weight gain that's healthy?

Depends on why you need to gain weight. Yes its healthy if you are too thin or you eat the right foods. There is no clear answer though except if you have to gain weight

Am 26 year old guy of 178cm height and 65kgs weight. I look too thin. Can someone suggest you in gaining weight and chubby cheeks?

eat donuts.

If you work out and eat healthy for a month but still weigh 163 what could be the problem?

Please post your question again, and include whether 163 lbs is too low for you, or too high for you.

Why do people encourage eating disorder behaviour?

No one directly encourages anorexia nervosa or bulimia, however, when people frequently say: "you can't be too rich or too thin", when the media publicizes those people who have lost a great deal of weight. when very thin figure models are considered the ideal weight to be, then people might get the idea that being extremely thin is the way to be and this might lead to an eating disorder.

When are labs be too thin?

If you can easily see the dogs ribs, they are too thin.

How do you describe too thin?

Anorexic thin