Loose in the legs and thighs, but tight around the waist so they don't fall off.
i fit my boyfriends jeans and he's a size 30 32 and I'm a size 7 in girls
You can make jeans if you know how.
Jr.size 7 or 9. It seems to change with the maker. Womens size 8.
Yes women jeans can be ordered online
about a 38 waist
some super skinny fit jeans
It must be a UK size 8 because i was recently on holiday and got a size 29 pair of jeans they fit me perfectly, at home all my jeans are a size 8 so it must be that.
you can have one here .erictrading.com/womens-clothing/jeans-en/
a 14
"Not your daughters jeans, also known as NYDJ, does come in plus sizes for women. The tummy tuck jeans can come in sized up to 22 womens and 24 womens."
They buy jeans that are their size. They fit into their jeans the same way you fit into your jeans. They wears skinny jeans mostly so that's why their jeans look really small.