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I'm 15 now and i can bench 150 at max but i can do 130 like 10 times. and my friend Richard can do about 205 and he isn't even 14 yet... but i would say around 100-130 by the way yous should be able to bench your own weight. hope this helps


^^ this guy is def lying maybe he can do 150 max but if u can put up 130 10 times you max would be around 170... and it all depends how long u have been benching i am 110 and im 15 ... lol but i put up 140 for a max ":) gl benching

^^ not necessarily as i can bench 110kg (240 pounds) two to three times but I can bench 90 kg (200 pounds) over 10 times with ease and I am only just 15

^^^ ya because im 14 130 and did 135 10 times but my max is like 160 but people do say i can do 175 so ima try dat

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16y ago

The answer is that it depends. Weight and age are not as important to the answer as the reason that you want to lift. If you are an athlete that needs speed and strength, then you do not want to be power lifting great weights as that will only create muscle bound results. Lifting weights is very individual, there is no right answer to your question. Are you a wrestler, or a long distance runner, or swimmer, or football player, or Baseball. All of these require different sets of lifting excercises. If you are none of these, and just enjoy lifting, then that brings me to my final answer. Do not become attached to anyone else's idea of how much you should be lifting. You should lift on a regular schedule with absolutely correct techniques, and lift the amount that stretches your boundaries.

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12y ago

I just turned 15 like 10 days ago and i bench 205

It doesn't matter the age you should start at were your comfortable at then work your way up in weight you want to tone your body use lower weight with higher reps you want to gain bulk and look bigger increase the weight and do less reps.

Actually I am 14 and I bench 145 but that's because I work out a lot and eat a lot of meat and protein etc.

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13y ago

I'm 14 1/2 and I can bench about 210, but most kids can bench about 80. I'm taller, so it's a bit easier, but i do workout and i have a good diet. If you workout enough, you could potentially be able to bench 350 or so, but at 14 years old, you could seriously damage your bones with so much working out and weight. As long as someone could do over 40, they're in good shape. Boys should do 50.

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14y ago

Max of 180lb. x 1 rep. ^Lippman's Medical Journal^ Because of bone density and rapid growth of bone during puberty, Fibroblasts cells could become damage with sustained exposure to pressure, exceeding maximum mass index pressure,


x14= 180.

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11y ago
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im 13 and im 125 and i just maxed out at 165 u should try and push yourself

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11y ago

Ii just turnt 14 and my Max is 235 , and I've been working out ever since I was 12 !

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12y ago

well if you are a starter start of at 65-80 pounds. but if you bench press all the time you should bench your own weight

Shawn c,


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15y ago

anywhere from the bar to 135

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Q: How much should you bench press if you are 14 years old and weigh 125 pounds?
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okay,. none of that really matters, there are guys out there that are 150 that can bench over 200 pounds and guys out there that are 300 pounds that coulde barely lift 100 pounds. Its all about your training and nutrition.

How much do you have to weight at age 13?

you should only bench press your own weight, if more, good. im 13 and i bench 170. i only weigh 97 pounds, 5' 0". i dont care if you believe me or not but it is true. at school kids say i take steroids, i walk like im buff. but you should at LEAST bench your own weight