

Best Answer

All depends on your experience and if someone is spotting you

id say 60 wiyhout spotter

75 with spotter

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Q: How much should a 100 lbs person benchpress?
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How much should a 5'0 13 yr ok weigh?

A person who is 5 feet should weigh around 100 pounds.

How much should the weight of a person be whose is 5.11 height?

It really depends on your body proportions, but anywhere around 140 is healthy.

How much weight can you gain on your benchpress using this workout plan?

I cant tell you because I don't see the workout plan but leave me a message and Ill tell you how to gain 100 pounds on your bench press in a month and a half it is possible and i have seen it done before.

How much would a 100 pound person weigh on an airplane?

100 pounds

How much should a 5 foot kid weigh?

100 is the average weight a 5 foot person. However 10 lbs less or more is also completely normal. Depending on how much muscle the person has then they will be heavier.

I'm 5'0 feet and weight 140 pounds how much should i really weight?

At 5', the average person should weight between 100 and 130 or so pounds.

How much should an 11 year old boy be weighing?

It honestly depends on how much sugar, fat, excersise,ect the person gets daily. On average a boy should be around 100-140 pounds. Hope this helps.

How many pounds of turkey for creamed turkey sandwiches for 100 people?

There should be about 100 pounds of turkey for 100 people. There should be a pound of turkey for each person.

How much should you pay for a 100 amp breaker?

probally about 100 dollars

If you weigh 200 pounds how much water should you drink daily?

The basic rule with water consumption is drink half your body weight in ounces.For example:A person that weighs 200 pounds should drink 100 ounces of water a day.A person that weighs 150 pounds should drink 75 ounces of water a day.This rule does not take in to account diet and exercise.

How much does the average person weigh on Jupiter?

about 100 pounds