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With a proper training program, nutrition and recovery you should be looking to gain 1-2lbs of muscle a week, this works out to be about 2kgs a month. This is from your body producing the muscle from natural means. Some people claim to gain higher amounts in shorter periods but this is only possible through the use of steroids. Some also use creatine which forces water into the muscles, so where you'll gain more in terms of size, your actually not building any more muscle.

Proper weight training program+higher calorie+higher protein

To reach these gains your diet should be 50/40/10, protein/carbs/fat. Ideally you would want a good source of protein in every meal. You should be eating every 2-3hrs having 6+ meals a day. Most people increase their calorie intake by 500 a day then assess their diet after a month if no wait is gained.

As for weight training, you will need to put your muscle under stress otherwise they wont grow, ideally you will need to increase the weight by 5% each week.

Those are the conditions you need to reach those gains!

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14y ago
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12y ago

Yes. If you train properly, eat properly, drink plenty of water, and get plenty of rest, it is possible to gain muscle in two months. Depending upon your percentage of body fat, you may not be able to see much muscular gain in two months, but you will likely notice an increase in strength. Really, though, it's not a matter of temporarily increasing your lean muscle mass. You should want to increase it and maintain the increase until your dotage! That requires a clean lifestyle. If you improve your habits one at a time and improve just one habit every two or three months, you will be able to attain and maintain increased muscle mass.


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15y ago

A motivated, broad-shouldered young man who's 5'10 and weighs 140lb could put on 60lb in a year with consistent heavy training, lots of food, and a gallon of whole milk a day.

"This is crap! If you train hard (low reps, high weight) and eat LOTS! Then you will probably gain about 1lb of muscle a week...that means mostly Lean Body its not fat"

So 52lb of muscle in a year? I would expect some of my estimation to be fat, which could easily take you up to 60lb of weight gain. Thanks for agreeing wholeheartedly with my crap.

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12y ago

one can gain as much muslce as they want after 40. just train hard and you will see there is no limit. you have to believe psychologically and physically you are improving to help you improve to a max. there is no such thing as a peak. human strength at its fullest capacity is untested. workinng hard and beleiving will get the best results.

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12y ago

You already have muscles. Without muscles, you could not move, breath, or have a heartbeat.

If you are trying to build larger, more powerful muscles, you simply need to adopt a muscle-building routine. You should apply resistance training to the muscles you want to develop, with sufficient rest between workouts. It is important to note that you should not expect to see miraculous results in less than a month.

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10y ago

How much muscle a person puts on, doing a particular routine four days a week for 2 months, depends on the routine and how much muscle the person currently has.

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13y ago

only eat proteins

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