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It depends on your height. Check the bmi and if its within the healthy range then...thats healthy. But if you are 15% below the healthy/normal range then you are severly underweight and possibly suffering from anorexia. I'm 5'7 and I'm supposed to be 120lb to 130lbs. At my lowest weight I was 87lbs. But now while I'm recovering from anorexia, I weigh 110. I'm still underweight but no longer anorexic. Just relies on your perspective I guess.

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Q: How much do anorexics weight on average?
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Anorexics have what percent body weight of normal weight?

It varies per individual. Almost always anorexics will have a noticeably less percent of body fat or weight from body fat that a "normal" or "average" weight person.

How much weight do anorexics lose?

It depends on the individual. Some anorexics only lose a few pounds, while some may lose 50 pounds. Usually, the average person who is anorexic will lose 20 to 30 pounds before treatment or intervention occurs.

How quickly do anorexics lose weight if there healthy?

Anorexics are never healthy, you need food to be healthy.

Is this true that anorexics their weight differently to others?

Yes. Anorexics usually weigh less than a healthy person does.

What does anorexics mean?

It's when you are afraid of gaining weight so much that you do not maintain a healthy diet and severely limit the amount of calories you consume.

Why are anorexics obsessed with food?

Because they are fat and need to lose more weight, fatty =)

How light is anorexic?

Anorexics can be any weight, but most tend to be underweight for their height and age.

How many pound do the typical person weigh before they get anorexic?

There is no real "average" for this. Some people are very thin to begin with, but still lose mroe weight. Most are about an "normal" weight for their height and all, but some begin as overweight or obese. Since heights and ages can range, there is no exact average weight that most anorexics begin at.

How much does a average weight of a water wheel average weight?

20 kg

How much weight do anorexics lose weekly this is for a project I am not considering starving myself at all?

This depends on how severe their diet restrictions are. They can loose between 5-14 lbs a week!

Pictures of anorexics?

Anorexia is an eating disorder. It is characterized by food restrictions, poor eating habits and irrational fear of weight gain. Pictures of anorexics can be found on websites such as Google Image and Bing Image.

If not eating doesn't necessarily cause weight loss fast how come anorexics are so skinny?

Anorexics control their body weight by voluntarily going through starvation, vomiting, purging and excessive exercise. Also controlled by diuretic pills. More info on this on the weblink below: