

How many steps for aerobics?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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12y ago

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In most gyms and health-clubs, and some physical therapy centers, there are machines that emulate the effect of climbing an ongoing staircase with a clever belt of material that acts a little like an escalator, by repeatedly producing stairs for you to climb at a pre-set pace. The idea is to continue this until you are only slightly sore, and increase gradually. And it's harder than it looks.

There's another kind that simply consists of two large pedals that you stand upon (with a rail to hold onto) and make a stair-climbing motion repeatedly. In this case your feet are strapped to the pedals so that the pedals will slant up and settle down with your feet as you step. Some don't have straps, and the pedals rise and fall at a pre-set pace, in which case you need to be sure to keep up with their movement.

See your doctor before beginning any exercise regimen.

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The main benefits of aerobic step exercises is the improvement to fitness. Similarly, it will have positives on health, increasing lung and heart efficiency.

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