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It takes about six or seven jumping jacks for a 150 pound person to burn one calorie. Going off of the "3500 calorie rule" (which is now known to be completely false because weight loss varies depending on metabolism and body composition among other things), this means that that person would have to do about 21,000 jumping jacks at minimum to lose one pound of weight.

Of course, this isn't a hard and fast rule for everyone. A 200 pound person, for example, may burn a calorie every 5 jumping jacks, meaning only 17,500 jumping jacks are needed. A 125 pound person might need to do 8 or 9 jumping jacks to burn a calorie, meaning they might need as many as 32,500 jumping jacks to burn 3500 calories.

And losing a pound of fat isn't as simple as burning 3500 calories, unfortunately. Everyone deals with a calorie deficit differently. And the closer someone is to a sort of weight equilibrium, the less weight they will lose. That is simply a matter of diet and metabolism.

But, if you are looking for a short answer, an average person may need at least 20,000 jumping jacks before they lose a pound of fat.

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8y ago
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13y ago

It doesn't really work that way. If you were to try to lose it at one go, then that would be mostly due to sweating, which is sort of pointless - you'll put it all back with two glasses of water. To lose one pound "permanently" you need to control your eating and preferably keep physically active for quite some time every day.

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9y ago

Depending on your weight and how hard you jump, you can burn around 135 calories in 10 minutes. 1 pound is 3,500 calories, so you would have to jump rope for 260 minutes to burn 1 pound of fat. That's about 4 and 1/2 hours total. If you do 10-20 minutes a day, that'd be one week of hard jump-roping every day.

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15y ago

I don't know the amount but I can tell you that 3000 calories equals one pond?

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9y ago

It takes 1,000 jumping jacks to burn off 100 calories. Therefore it would take 10,000 jumping jacks to burn off 1,000 calories.

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13y ago

about a 30 because if you do you would be in great shape try it NOW

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Q: How many jumping jacks do you have to do to lose one pound?
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How many jumping jacks a day for one month would you need to complete to lose fifty pounds?


How many calories do jumping jacks burn if your doing 60 every minute?

The amount of calories you will burn doing jump jacks varies based on your size and the intensity at which you are jumping. An average 150 pound person jumping 60 minutes will burn 306 calories.

When you do jumping jacks what do you lose?

it depends on how many you do. You wont really lose anything, but you'll burn calories which will eventually lead to a little weight loss. If your looking to lose weight, jumping jacks aren't the best way to go. They should be used primarily to get your heart rate up.

50 jumping jacks burns how many calories?

doing 50 jumping jacks will burn 5 calories

How many jumping jacks would you have to complete in one month to lose fifty pounds?

Just jump nonstop......that'll work.... You're gonna have to do more then jumping jacks to lose 50 pounds in a month. Also, you have to have surgery to lose that much in a month. If you have a realistic goal like 15 pounds then eat healthier and exercise.

How many jumping jacks for a 180 lb person do to burn 100 calories?

well, to burn 100 calories you would have to do around 700 jumping jacks. It also depeinds on your level of fitness, body weight, and speed. So, let's say around 15 calories.

How many calories would a small-framed female burn doing jumping jacks for an hour?

this depends on the woman, her metabolism, her lifestyle. and also, the rate she does the jumping jacks. quite hard for someone online to tell exactly. there are a lot of things to take into consideration. if you´re trying to lose weight, do a variety of exercises including sit ups-

How many pounds can you lose if you do 30 jumping jacks for two months?

I don't think you will lose much if anything if at. You should exercise every other day for about 30 minutes or more (and be vegetarian or vegan). Don't eat after 6-7pm.

How many calories does 300 jumping jacks burn?

improved answer: it depends on your weight, age etc. 1 minute of jumping jacks burns 8 calories for an average 150 pound person (according to So about 10-15 mins of jumping will burn 100 calories. Depending on how vigorous of course.

If your an adult how many pounds to lose to lose a pound?

You might want to rephrase your question, but to lose one pound, you must lose one pound. Every 3500 calories is one pound.

How many jumping jacks are in a bean?

the thing is jumping beans dont do jumping jacks and the reason they jump is that inside the bean there is a silkworm and soon the silkworm will stop moving so the bean will stop moving it is not dead its just dormant, and eventually a cacoon will come out of the bean and in a matter of seconds a moth will come out of the cacoon.

How many jumping jacks do you have to do to burn a calorie?

That's all down to what you are eating. If your eating habits are about right, and assuming jumping jacks are about as much work as jogging, then you'd need about 40 hours of jumping jacks to work off 5 pounds.