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Well you cant exactly calculate how many calories you walk off in a mile and answer it in blunt form for evryone to assume they would be losing from walking a mile. Everyones body weight is different. Their metabolism varys from age or how active you may be. This question would have to be researched yourself about your own body. Because once again like i said no one person is the same.

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Q: How many calories do you walk off in a mile?
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Depending on how much fat it contains: 0- 10 fat cal.= a little over 2 laps (1/2 mile) 10- 20 fat cal.= about 3 laps 20- 30 fat cal.= a little over 3 laps (3 1/2 laps) 30- 40 fat cal.= 1 mile

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100 yards, the length of a football field.

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Calories burn off, which helps you to lose weight.

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Depends mainly on how many calories you want to burn off. and how fit/heavy etc you are. Walking, maybe you can push the burn to 450 cals/hour at a decent incline.

How long do you have to exercise to were off a piece of cake?

There are many factors that come into play here. The first is the calorie content of the cake. A simple, small slice of white or vanilla cake will be about 250 to 300 calories. A large piece of cake that has icing, frsoting, filling, or decadent ingredients can easily run up to 1,000 calories or more. The next factor is how you are exercising to burn the cake off. The average person burns about 100 calories per mile they run, and 80 calories per mile they walk (at 3 to 4 mph). Swimming laps at a moderate pace can burn between 200 (freestyle) and 300 (breaststroke) calories per hour. Hiking can burn 400 to 500 calories per hour, and biking can burn about 150 calories per hour going at a moderate to fast speed.

How far do you need to walk to burn off calories from a banana?

Depends on how fat you are and how big the banana is.

How many laps must i do to make a mil if the track is one third of a mile long?

3 laps.Start off jogging and don't walk and you'll do alright

How long do you need to walk to burn off 22 fat grams?

22 fat grams = 198 calories However, I cant just tell you how many miles to walk to burn it off because this really depends. It depends on your wieght, incline, and speed. example: If you are 125 lbs and you are going 3 mph on low incline, you will burn approx. 5 calories per minute, taking 40 minutes to burn off 200 calories.