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Q: How many calories burn rope jumping 200 times?
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50 jumping jacks burns how many calories?

doing 50 jumping jacks will burn 5 calories

How many calories do jumping jacks burn if your doing 60 every minute?

The amount of calories you will burn doing jump jacks varies based on your size and the intensity at which you are jumping. An average 150 pound person jumping 60 minutes will burn 306 calories.

How many calories do you burn doing one minute of jumping jacks?

Approximately 20 calories per minute, if you jump quickly.

How many calories does 300 jumping jacks burn?

improved answer: it depends on your weight, age etc. 1 minute of jumping jacks burns 8 calories for an average 150 pound person (according to So about 10-15 mins of jumping will burn 100 calories. Depending on how vigorous of course.

How many calories do you burn jumping on a trapoline?

If you were to jump as if it were a jump rope for atleast 30 mins you would lose approximately 350 calories.

How many calories do you burn doing jumping jacks?

33 per minute, if going ultra double dutch speed.

How many jumping jacks for a 180 lb person do to burn 100 calories?

well, to burn 100 calories you would have to do around 700 jumping jacks. It also depeinds on your level of fitness, body weight, and speed. So, let's say around 15 calories.

How many calories can be burned by jump roping 1000 times?

On average, jumping rope burns about 11 calories per minute. If you crank up the intensity of your jumps, you can burn in the neighborhood of 20 calories per minute. say you jump 50x/minute - 20 minutes - 220-400 cal.

How many jumping jacks must a 110lb person do to burn off one serving of 240 calories?

If you are female with a height of 5'2" weighing 110 pounds, you would have to do jumping jacks continuously for approximately 36 minutes in order to burn 240 calories. Source:

How many calories do you burn just by smiling?

You Burn 100 CALORIES But when you smile the strongest you burn 1,000 Calories

How many calories did i burn doimg cardio?

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How many calories do you burn drawing?

you burn 2 calories from drawing