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Q: How many Americans participate in walking?
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How many Americans participate in illegal File sharing?

Although an exact number would be very difficult to obtain, there are most likely millions of Americans who participate in illegal file sharing.

Why did many Americans participate in the great migration?

To find better jobs and to escape racism

How did africans participate in the war?

How did the African Americans participate in the Civil War.

What are 2 ways Americans can participate in their democracy?

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How did ancient Americans get around?


Which British policy convinced many Americans colonist that they should form their own country?

Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

What is a way the Americans can participate in their democracy?

The best way is to vote!

What people or groups didnt participate in the constitutional convention?

African Americans (slaves), women and Native Americans

In 1831 what restrictions were placed on African Americans?

There were many restrictions on African Americans in 1831 as many were still enslaved. Restrictions included things like not being allowed to participate in any religious based gathering at night.

Why did many African Americans participate in the Atlantic Slave Trade?

They didn't, unless you count 'being transported' as a form of participation. The only Africans (and not African Americans) to really participate were the various black chiefs and kings in Africa who undertook slave-capturing raids and sold the slaves to the coastal traders.

Why did the americans participate in World War 2?

Because they were attacked by the Japanese

What groups did not participate in the constitutional convention?

No women, blacks or native americans.