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Q: How long to wait after eating to have bath?
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How long do you wait after eating to have a bath?

Well unless your swimming laps in your bathtub, you don't have to

How long do have to wait before you can bath puppies?

Puppies should not be bathed until they are at least 8 weeks old. Younger puppies are not able to regulate their body temperature well and are more sensitive to cold. Waiting until they are 8 weeks old ensures they are more capable of handling the bathing process without any risks.

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When I exercise I usually wait up to an hour

How long do you wait to swim after eating steak?

i think its an hour

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0 secdonds

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2 hours

How long before eating should you wait before going in a pool?

Wait one hour for a good protective measure.

How long should you wait before exercising before eating?

About 1-2 hrs.

How long do you wait after eating?

About 10-15 minutes because your body needs to digest the food.

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I just asked the pharmacists and it is 2 hours.

After using revolution for mange how long can you wait before you bath the dog?

It is generally recommended to wait at least 2 hours after applying Revolution before bathing your dog to allow the medication to be fully absorbed into the skin. However, it's best to follow the specific instructions provided by your veterinarian to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

How long do i have to wait to. have a bath. after food?

You don't need to wait to have a bath. The old saw "you should wait half an hour after eating before getting in the water" applies specifically to swimming, not to simply sitting in a tub of water. The reason for it is that eating causes your body to redirect blood from the extremities (your arms and legs) to the stomach and digestive system, and if you attempt to exercise, your muscles might cramp due to lack of oxygen and nutrients. That's not good if you're just exercising in general, but it's particularly bad if you're swimming, because in that case you might drown. If you're just sitting in a bath, though, you're not really using your muscles much, so it's unlikely that they'll cramp and you probably wouldn't drown even if they did.