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The more you meditate, the more beneficial your practice will be. Whether they are meditating formally (for example, in a cross-legged sitting posture) or not, master meditators are always meditating. The idea is to take the calm clarity of mind produced by formal meditation and extend it throughout all your activities.

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Most monks living in monasteries meditate for six hours every day.

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When did the shaolin monks finish?

Shaolin monks are still around today. if you go to the shaolin monastery in china then you'll see that there are plenty of monks.

Who are the shaolin monks?

The shaolin monks are people who are trained at kung fu they are also buddists

Are there any shaolin monks that are not Chinese?

Yes there are. There are monks that train at branches of the shaolin temple in their own country

Where do shaolin monks live?

Shaolin monks live in Shaolin temples. These were traditionally found only in China, but now there are some in other countries, such as the U.S.

The shaolin temple in china trained Buddhist monks in the martial arts true or false?

In a way. The shaolin temple in china trained the monks living there. Hence they were the shaolin monks not the Buddhist monks. While they both believed in peace and not fighting they were not the same religion.

Where do buddihists meditate?

some meditate in monestrys some in a zendo or a place where they peacefully and seriously do meditation and some meditate in any place they want even in their home so you need not go anywhere to meditate you can meditate wherever you are however you are.

Who are shaolin priests?

Shaolin priests are ordained Buddhist monks at the Shaolin Temple in Mt. Song of Henan Province, China. There is a religious class and a martial class of monks. The martial monks are famous throughout the world because they are highly proficient in Chinese boxing.

What five creatures do the shaolin monks imitate?

There are many different styles of kung fu, the Shaolin monks: * Dragon * Tiger * White Crane * Monkey * Cobra

What do the Shaolin Monks eat?

They are vegeterian, maybe vegan!

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Are there girl shaolin monks?

Yes, they are known as nuns.

Shaolin monks celibate?

Yes, Buddhist Shaolin monks are celibate. They are also abstain from eating meat and alcohol. They are also bound not to kill any living creatures.