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It truly depends on what you are training for. For distance training, it is not that important. If you plan on being a sprinter, the 100m sprint may be a big part of your workout routine.

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Q: How important 100m sprint in physical fitness?
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What components of physical fitness does track and field contain?

All 5 component of fitness is involved in all track and field events. however there importance and distribution will be different from one event to the other. For example, event though the 100m sprint and the 400m are both categorized as speed event, absolute speed is more important to the 100m sprinter than it is for the 400m runner.

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100m Sprint

How long is a sprint?

The length of a sprint is usually 100m

How do you win a 100m sprint?

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What the regulations of the 100m sprint?

my dick

What does sally Pearson do in the Olympics?

Sally pearson does the 100m hurdles and the 100m sprint

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9:58 by jamaicas Usain Bolt,10:49 in womens 100m sprint

When was technology added to 100m sprint and how did it effect it this is very important please answer?

Electronic Timing, slowed the times of the runners.

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Athletics: 100m Sprint 200m Sprint Etc.

What do they do in the Summer Olympics?

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What is theworld record for the 100m sprint?
