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Q: How does fasting meditation and prayer play a role in Shinto?
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How does fasting-meditation and prayer play a role in Taoism?

Fasting is to help the body get rid of toxins caused by eating bad foods. Meditation helps calm the mind to enable you to see what is real and what is not. I don't know about prayer. Because if you're a true Taoists, you don't need to pray. Your life would be balance.

Characterize the roles that fasting-meditation play in Hinduism?

Both are means to discipline your body and mind. Fasting also gives a break to your digestive system and thus keeps you healthy. Ofcourse, too much of anything may not be good. Meditation helps you focus and increases your concentration power.

Why do religious people play such importance on prayer as a spiritual activity?

Religious people think that prayer has actual, tangible results which will help them or someone else. As prayer is a form of meditation, it can also be relaxing. However, studies show that prayer leads to no tangible results.

What role does the family play in the Shinto religion?

families, and ancestors, are VERY important.

What function do minarets play in mosques?

A minaret is a prayer tower, where the call to prayer is broadcast.

What is the background of eid ul fitr?

AnswerEid ul Fitre is the one of the two greates annual Muslim festivals, namely:Eid (or spelled id) ul fitreEid AldhaEid ul fitre is celebrated by the first day after Ramadan on Occasion of the end of fasting during Ramadan. Muslims celebrate that they succeeded to conclude the fasting of Ramadan (which is one of Islam 5 pillars). They pray on that day to be rewarded on fasting and praying during Ramadan. That is why this Eid may be called "the day of reward".AnswerEid ul Fitre is a celebration for 3 days after fasting of Ramazan. Celebrated since the fasting was introducd.There is no such compulsion for celebrating it. Its importance lies in the fact of praying to Allah, and being thankful for His great bllessings upon us.AnswerIn addition to the above two answers (that are in agreement), the important part of the celebration is two things:Performing ritual prayer in the morning of the first day after end of Ramadan (after sunrise and with Muslims breaking fasting). This prayer should be done in a gathering in open air or in a big central mosque or even in a stadium play yardpay specif charity, called Zakat Alfitr or Fitrana, the day before prayer or at most before announcing the prayer

What video game has living on a prayer?

Guitar hero: World Tour allows you to play Living on a Prayer.

What roles does meditation play in religion?

For me, meditation is the very center of religion. The word religion means for me scripture, ritual, rites of passage, tradition, and so forth. Meditation leads to a direct contact with the divine. Religion without meditation is like a river without water. Dry. Desolate. Empty of life.

How to come out of a very bad mood?

Be calm.. Hear to music... Play with children.... Do meditation..

Why alcohol should not take in fasting?

One should not take alchohol during fasting. That is what my fasting coach says. Alcohol will be converted to simple carbohydrate and burn as sugar. It will also dehydrate you even more if you are restricting liquids as well. And it will play havoc with lab tests .

What role does nature play in Shinto religion?

By observing nature, or just simply to observe without observing.

What is relationship between prayer and money?

Play the lottery. Pray you win. There's your relationship.