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Exercise effects the breathing rate by, the more you exercise the more your breathing rate will increase because your body needs for oxygen will be higher so you breathe faster to feed these needs.

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11y ago
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15y ago

how cant u say about how the regular exercise affects breathing and lung?

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15y ago

Yes, because the harder your body works the more oxygen your body needs. Yes, because the harder your body works the more oxygen your body needs.

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9y ago

because of the blank and blank

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Q: How does exercise affects the breathing rate?
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What is the relationship between exercise and breathing rate?

In a healthy adult, breathing rate and the amount of exercise should be directly proportional, with exercise as the independent variable. That means, the more exercise you do, the faster your breathing rate will become.

How does exercise effects your breathing?

Exercise affects your breathing through many different ways. Depending on the type of exercise (e.g. long distance, or sprinting) it could change the type of breathing that occurs. For example, for short, fast running distances, you will switch to anaerobic respiration (glucose -> energy + lactic acid) Exercise also quickens your breathing rate, and you take longer, quicker breathes. If you exercise for a long time, your breathing rate will increase even more, until you are at your maximum uptake of oxygen/air.

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What is the average breathing rate for adults during exercise?

The average breathing rate of adults during exercise is 40 to 50 breath per minute.

What can the breathing rate increase to during exercise?

During exercise, the breathing rate can increase to around 40-60 breaths per minute or even higher depending on the intensity of the exercise and individual fitness level. This increase in breathing rate helps to supply more oxygen to the muscles and remove carbon dioxide from the body.

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If I exersize it will increase/decrease my breathing rate because....(why you think it will increase or decrease your breathing rate)

Does exercise effect breathing rate?

yes it increases it

Does aerobic exercise increase your heart rate or your breathing rate?

hmm heart rate maybe?

What is the apparatus used in a breathing and heart rate exercise?


What happens to the bodies heart rate and breathing rate during vigorous exercise?

it will increase

What will increase breathing rate?

- When we exercise or do something that is really have to make a powerful force.

What are health effects of aerobic exercise?

excess breathing and increased heart rate.