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Zazen is sitting zen meditation there is also standing and walking zen meditation.

Meditation can be either "on" something where you think of the Buddha, a question, or any thing else This sometimes includes visualizing the Buddha in front of you. In zen meditation you think "on" nothing, remain alert to the world but not ineracting with it.

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13y ago

The basic idea is to sit motionless on a meditation cushion or bench with an erect back while focusing intently on your breathing. All classic meditation postures involve sitting with the two knees and the buttocks forming a stable base. The hips are slightly tipped forward with the abdomen pushed out so that there is a natural concave arch in the lumbar spine. The head is erect with the chin slightly tucked in. The chest is open. The arms and shoulders are relaxed with the hands folded on the lap. It helps to imagine a cord running from the top back of your head to the ceiling and another running from your breastbone to the ceiling. Breath with your stomach, not your chest. Zen meditation may also be done as a standing or walking practice.

Your mind should be focused solely on your breathing, noticing the inhalations and exhalations. In this way Zen meditation's focus varies from that of Tibetan and other meditation as it is not focussed on a mind image but on void-ness. The best way to begin is to count: 1 for the first inhalation, 2 for the first exhalation, 3 for the second inhalation, 4 for the second exhalation, and so on up until 10 and then begin again. If you lose count, don't worry: just begin again at 1. When a thought arises, let it go and return to counting your inhalations and exhalations. The best book to read is still Roshi Philip Kapleau's THE THREE PILLARS OF ZEN. It has detailed drawings of all the classic meditation postures and instructions on how to focus the mind.

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14y ago

From a physical point of view, all the classic meditation postures involve an erect spine supported by the two knees and the buttocks. A cross-legged or kneeling posture is usually used. I use both. The chin is tucked in slightly, the hips tilted forward, and the shoulders and arms are completed relaxed. Breathing is done with the belly-not the chest. Eyes are lowered. The mouth is closed with the tongue in the basic yogic position (in other words, with its tip touching just above the inside of the front teeth). From a mental point of view, the practitioner focuses on the breath. Typical practices including counting the inhalations and exhalations silently from 1 to 10 and then repeating, counting only the exhalations, and simply following the breath.

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12y ago

If you are asking about formal meditation, any time is a good time to meditate. One time is not necessarily better than any other time.

That being said, dawn and dusk are favorite times to quiet the mind. Many find that it is easiest to do first thing in the morning and that it is important to do after the day's work is complete.

If you are asking about informal meditation, understand that a sage is always meditating!

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Zen Buddhists meditate in Temples.

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Although the Hollywood version of a Zen Buddhist meditating usually involves a Zen Garden, meditation hall, or a freezing waterfall in the middle of winter (?), Zen meditation can occur almost anywhere that there is a minimum of distraction. For students sitting a meditation hall under the guidance of a master is usual, but sitting or standing or walking Zen is also possible.

Why do buddists meditate?

because they do and becvause they like to medeitate to fell better and they meditate at zen gardens

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This is not correct,anyone,anywhere can meditate. You just have to study on how to meditate.

Are there any Zen Buddhist monasteries in Pennsylvania?

There are quite a few Zen Buddhist monasteries in PA. Below is a link to a list from DharmaWeb.

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It depends. There are some Buddhists (monks, in particular) who spend many hours each day meditating. There are others who adhere to Buddhist ritual who do not meditate at all.

Is one a Zen Buddhist?

Good question. Zen Buddhism is the meditation school (variety) of Buddhism. Anyone who engages in zazen and the other practices of Zen Buddhism may be considered a Zen Buddhist. This, though, is misleading because, according to The Buddha, there is no such thing as a separate self; an human individual person is really a congeries of qualities. Strictly speaking, therefore, there is no one to be a Zen Buddhist! .

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