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Voudrais-tu bruler des calories comme le fait une française ?

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Q: How do you translate Would you like to burn calories like a French woman from English to French?
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Related questions

How do you translate French to English language?

I would recommend a French-English dictionary, or Google Translate, if you need answers faster. Both are easy to use.

How does one translate French to English?

To translate French to English, one can use a dictionary but the easiest way to translate would be by using Google Translate. This allows a user to translate between many different languages and is done instantly on a computer.

What is the best book one could get which would translate French into English?

There are many different translation books one could use to translate French into English. One such book could be a French English Dictionary. This would give a word in French with the English translation and vice versa.

Can you please translate the following French sentences to English?

Of course! Please provide the French sentences you would like me to translate.

What are some free online dictionaries that can be used to translate French words to English?

One would use a French-English dictionary to translate words from French to English. Some online French-English dictionaries include Word Reference and the dictionary hosted at French Linguistics.

How do you write ma vie in Japanese?

'Ma vie' would translate to ???? (watashi no jinsei) from French to English.

What does Mme in English mean?

Mme is the French abbreviation for "madame." It would translate as "Mrs."

How would you translate Notre Dame du Haut from French to English?

'Our Lady of the Heights'

What is the french word for toy?

jouet is the french word for toy. If you would like to translate words from English to french, or any language, go to and search Google translate. You will find results there! :)

Translate kindest regards from English to french?

A close bet would probably be "Très cordialement".

How would you translate this French question to English Qui sont les Autochtones?

"Qui sont les autochtones" is translated "who are the natives?" in English.

Translate the french les noces into English?

les noces means "the weddings" in English. If you want to say "the wedding", it would be la noce.