when you do sit ups justtwist your body (stomach) side to side. l when you do sit ups just twist you stomach side to side
what is it called when you get stomach fat injected in your behind
Liposuction can remove fat from a desired area. You can also get fat injections elsewhere on your body.
You can get this at many places as a flat stomach is a much sort after commodity. Some of these places are www.flat-stomach-exercises.com and flatstomachguaranteed.com.
You raise your legs while doing a crunch, so I am thinking that you mean sit-ups. Yes, doing sit-ups off the couch does burn stomach fat.
The safest surgical procedure to remove excess abdominal fat is gastric bypass. What this procedure does is that shortens the length of the small intestines, and or changes the connection to the stomach, limiting food intake.
The only side effects listed for Herbex fat burning tea are nausea and upset stomach. Herbex fat burning tea is used for those who are wishing to lose weight.
plastic surgery
Even though a person may be fit and healthy, they still can have stomach fat. This is most often a genetic issue. Continuing diet and exercise can help decrease stomach fat.
No, but you can have a layer of stomach fat on top of muscle. If so, that will hide the muscle and not look good.
Either way it's fat.
Muscles, fat, and water.