

Best Answer
  1. we can check our breath rate by measuring our pulse rate means by checking the number of beat in the vein of our hand.
  2. secondly it is to be noticed that when ever a person walks or exercinse the inhalation and exilation process increases and the number of breaths increases per minute.
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Q: How do you measure your lung rate after exercising?
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Exercising increases the lung capacity.

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count how many times your heart beats in ten seconds then multiply that number by 6

What happens to your heart rate when you are exercising?

When you are exercising your heart rate goes up, because your heart is pumping faster.

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What should be your exercising heart rate for kids?

i actually just saiyin that you can search the resting heart rate and maybe it'll show the exercising one

How do you measure lung capacity?

One measure of lung size is called vital capacity and it refers to the amount of air that can be inhaled and exhaled forcibly in one breath.

Does exercising increase or decrease heart rate?

Of course exersizing increases heart rate

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Since you are exercising your pulse rate goes faster.

What is the heart rate of an exercising man?

The hear rate of an exercising man will vary depending on a lot of different factors, including health or fitness. About 120-145 I think. Google it.

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after the same time as you were exercising e.g.(you were exercising for 5 minutes then it will go back after 5 or 4 minutes)

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depends what excersize

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