Your flexibility comes into use every day of your life, from picking up the paper in the morning to tossing a Baseball with friends. The benefits of having good flexibility are numerous: greater freedom of movement, increased physical performance, decreased risk of injury, and decreased recovery time. Use the following tips to increase your flexibility
Make sure your muscles are warm before stretching. A great time to stretch is between warm-up and workout, and right after your main workout.
Stretch until you feel a slight discomfort, then hold it for 30-60 seconds.
Stretch all parts of your body for maximum gain.
Give your muscles a day or two to recover before doing an intense stretch again.
Drink plenty of water to keep your muscles hydrated, as muscles are consisted mostly of water.
Eating a good diet is important to give your muscles good fuel for recovery. It is easier to gain flexibility when
Repeat the above steps often. Be patient, it takes time for your muscles to adapt and increase your flexibility
Do a combination of different stretching exercises like yoga, pilates and even traditional stretching on a daily basis through workout DVD's if your an athlete or not- best time to do them is in the morning or in the evening.
If your inflexible the realistic goal is to begin these exercises at a beginners level and stick to it until you can perform them well then push yourself to the intermediate level to increase your flexibility more until you can master this level with ease then push yourself to the advanced level for the hardest challenge of improving flexibility until you are as flexible as a yoga instructor at this level.
Eating cooked fish for omega 3 oils or taking cod liver oil supplements is known to be a good nutrition for joints.
This is going to take discipline, eating healthy and above all - a lot of patience and practice of these 3 different exercises.
touching ur toes with ur hands without bending ur knees
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Adults can be physically more flexible than children if they have always been flexible as a result of conditioning, or engaging in sports or exercises.If an adult has probloms with there back or any other part of there body. It will be very difficult. The more you work on your flexabilty as a child. The more you will be able to move better.
Cleopatra did absolutely nothing to improve Egypt.Cleopatra did absolutely nothing to improve Egypt.Cleopatra did absolutely nothing to improve Egypt.Cleopatra did absolutely nothing to improve Egypt.Cleopatra did absolutely nothing to improve Egypt.Cleopatra did absolutely nothing to improve Egypt.Cleopatra did absolutely nothing to improve Egypt.Cleopatra did absolutely nothing to improve Egypt.Cleopatra did absolutely nothing to improve Egypt.
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we can improve it by increassing tecnologies
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Training to improve fitness and strength, coaching and practice to improve technique
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